2012..SATU PERANCANGAN DAJAL..BERSEDIALAH SEMUA UNTUK KEMBALI KE ZAMAN PURBA...Huge solar flare jams radio, satellite signals: NASA
WASHINGTON (AFP) – A powerful solar eruption that has already disturbed radio communications in China could disrupt electrical power grids and satellites used on Earth in the next days, NASA said.
The massive sunspot, which astronomers say is the size of Jupiter, is the strongest solar flare in four years, NASA said Wednesday.
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The Class X flash -- the largest such category -- erupted at 0156 GMT Tuesday, according to the US space agency.
"X-class flares are the most powerful of all solar events that can trigger radio blackouts and long-lasting radiation storms," disturbing telecommunications and electric grids, NASA said.
NASA's Solar Dynamics Observatory saw a large coronal mass ejection (CME) associated with the flash that is blasting toward Earth at about 560 miles per second (900 kilometers per second), it said.
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The charged plasma particles were expected to reach the planet's orbit at 0300 GMT Thursday.
The flare spread from Active Region 1158 in the sun's southern hemisphere, which had so far lagged behind the northern hemisphere in flash activity. It followed several smaller flares in recent days.
"The calm before the storm," read a statement on the US National Weather Service Space Weather Prediction Service.
"Three CMEs are enroute, all a part of the Radio Blackout events on February 13, 14, and 15 (UTC). The last of the three seems to be the fastest and may catch both of the forerunners about mid to late ... February 17."
Geomagnetic storms usually last 24 to 48 hours, "but some may last for many days," read a separate NWS statement.
"Ground to air, ship to shore, shortwave broadcast and amateur radio are vulnerable to disruption during geomagnetic storms. Navigation systems like GPS can also be adversely affected."
The China Meteorological Administration reported that the solar flare had jammed shortwave radio communications in southern China.
It said the flare caused "sudden ionospheric disturbances" in the atmosphere above China, and warned there was a high probability that large solar flares would appear over the next three days, the official Xinhua news agency reported.
In previous major disturbance of the Earth's electric grid from a solar incident, in 1973, a magnetic storm caused by a solar eruption plunged six million people into darkness in Canada's eastern-central Quebec province.
The British Geological Survey (BGS) said meanwhile that the solar storm would result in spectacular Northern Lights displays starting Thursday.
One coronal mass ejection (CME) arrived on February 14, "sparking Valentine's Day displays of the Northern Lights (aurora borealis) further south than usual."
"Two CMEs are expected to arrive in the next 24-48 hours and further... displays are possible some time over the next two nights if skies are clear," it said.
The office published geomagnetic records dating back to the Victorian era which it hopes will help in planning for future storms.
"Life increasingly depends on technologies that didn't exist when the magnetic recordings began," said Alan Thomson, BGS head of geomagnetism.
"Studying the records will tell us what we have to plan and prepare for to make sure systems can resist solar storms," he said.
Washington (ANTARA News) - Sebuah letupan matahari yang kuat yang telah terganggu radio komunikasi di China boleh mengganggu rangkaian elektrik kuasa dan satelit yang digunakan di Bumi pada hari-hari berikutnya, kata NASA.
The sunspot besar, yang astronomi katakan adalah saiz Musytari, adalah suria suar terkuat dalam empat tahun, NASA mengatakan Rabu.
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Lampu kilat Kelas X - kategori seperti terbesar - meletus pada 0156 GMT Rabu, menurut badan antariksa AS.
"Flare X-kelas yang paling kuat dari semua aktiviti matahari yang boleh mencetuskan pemadaman radio dan badai radiasi jangka panjang," mengganggu telekomunikasi dan rangkaian elektrik, kata NASA.
NASA Solar Observatory Dinamika melihat mass ejection besar koronal (CME) yang berkaitan dengan lampu kilat yang peledakan terhadap Bumi pada sekitar 560 batu per saat (900 kilometer per saat), katanya.
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Zarah-zarah plasma dibebankan dijangka mencapai orbit planet di 0300 GMT Khamis.
Penyebaran suar dari Daerah Aktif 1158 di belahan bumi selatan matahari, yang telah begitu jauh tertinggal di belakang belahan bumi utara dalam kegiatan flash. Ini diikuti flare beberapa yang lebih kecil dalam beberapa hari terakhir.
"Para tenang sebelum badai," membaca sebuah kenyataan di Pejabat Cuaca Nasional AS Space Ramalan Cuaca Service.
"Tiga CMEs adalah enroute, semua adalah sebahagian daripada acara Blackout Radio pada tarikh 13, 14 dan 15 (UTC). Yang terakhir dari tiga tampaknya menjadi yang terpantas dan boleh menangkap kedua-dua pelopor sekitar pertengahan hingga akhir ... 17 Februari. "
badai geomagnetik biasanya berlangsung 24 hingga 48 jam, "namun beberapa dapat berlangsung selama beberapa hari," kata sebuah kenyataan berasingan NWS.
"Ground-ke-udara, kapal ke pantai, siaran gelombang pendek dan radio amatur rentan terhadap gangguan selama badai Geomagnetik sistem navigasi seperti GPS juga. Bisa terpengaruh."
Pentadbiran Meteorologi China melaporkan bahawa suria suar telah tersekat komunikasi radio gelombang pendek di China selatan.
Dikatakan pembakaran disebabkan "gangguan ionosfir tiba-tiba" di atmosfera di atas China, dan memperingatkan ada kemungkinan besar bahawa flare matahari yang besar akan muncul selama tiga hari berikutnya, agensi berita Xinhua melaporkan.
Dalam gangguan besar dahulu grid elektrik Bumi dari insiden matahari, pada tahun 1973, badai magnet yang disebabkan oleh letusan matahari jatuh enam juta orang ke dalam kegelapan di timur-tengah wilayah Quebec Kanada.
The British Geological Survey (BGS) berkata sementara bahawa badai matahari akan menghasilkan spektakuler memaparkan Northern Lights mulai Khamis.
Satu massa ejeksi koronal (CME) tiba tarikh 14 Februari, "mencetuskan Valentine memaparkan Hari Cahaya Utara (aurora borealis) lebih jauh ke selatan dari biasanya."
"Dua CMEs diharapkan tiba pada 24-48 jam berikutnya dan selanjutnya ... memaparkan yang mungkin beberapa waktu selama dua malam berikutnya jika langit yang jelas," katanya.
Pejabat diterbitkan nota geomagnetic dating kembali ke era Victoria yang diharapkan akan membantu dalam merancang masa depan badai.
"Hidup semakin bergantung pada teknologi yang tidak ada pada saat rakaman magnetik bermula," kata Alan Thomson, BGS kepala geomagnetism.
"Mempelajari nota akan memberitahu kita apa yang kita harus merancang dan mempersiapkan untuk membuat sistem yakin bisa menahan badai matahari," katanya.
SUMBER: http://news.yahoo.com/s/afp/20110217/sc_afp/usastronomytelecomnasachina_20110217095946
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